Thursday, 29 October 2009

things what I have done

started embroidering in a DIY stylee on the yellow vintage dress that Emma, Ben, Charlie and I got in exchange for a sketch each.
Embroidering it with all the things I love about London, and will ask all the for-mentioned if they want to have anything added to it, or if they want to do something to it.


Catalyst Arts, Belfast

Call for submissions for the Annual Student Show, December 2009.

Catalyst Arts believes in supporting artists at all stages in their careers, and the student show is our main showcase for newly emerging visual artists, providing gallery support and fresh networking opportunities.

We are interested in presenting a broad range of innovative, exciting new work in any and all mediums.

This call is open to all undergraduate and postgraduate students, including those who have graduated during 2009.

Those wishing their work to be considered for exhibition should submit a written proposal with artist statement and no more than 5 images of work

Closing date for submissions is Friday 6th November no later than 4pm.

Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Andy Seize

we went to the vitoria miro to see Greyson Perry the other day but we got more excited because after seeing channel 4's 3 minute wonder on Andy Seize we saw the actual pice on a building opposite the victoria miro!

Also Ben looked in a building nearby that looked like it was abandoned only becuse there appeared to be trees growing indoors.
when he had a looksie, this is what he saw.
All the building said was Unit 3B, Wharf Road

Other interesting things on this street

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

national archives


These documents are held at London Metropolitan Archives

0.1 linear foot

Administrative history:
Situated at Greenwich South Street, the almshouses were founded in 1884 by Ellen Penn following the death of her husband John Penn who was an engineer with works in Blackheath Road. A further two almshouses were added when Widow Mary Ann Smith's charity was included in the Penn benefaction

found here

Monday, 26 October 2009

train journeys

would like to try a stop motion of peoples feets.

Saturday, 24 October 2009

Edmund Monsiel

In the last two decades of his life the Polish outsider Edmund Monsiel, an untreated schizophrenic, produced a body of exquisitely detailed drawings, often with messianic and religious inscriptions. Though he held down a job as a weighbridge operator after he became ill he avo!ded social contact and was obsessively religious. His artistic outpourings began with transcriptions of visual hallucinations of Christ and the Devil in 1943, before giving way to chaotic agglomerations of figures and faces that seem suggest the artist's struggle with forces that threaten to consume him entirely. Subsequently Monsiel developed a more rigidly defined and controlled image of a world minated by the human face. Characteristically, Monsiel's drawings reflected the deific world of his visions in which he was God's emissary, rather than the dingy reality the small room in which he lived, and thereby quieted the powerful forces of his fears. Control was achieved partly through the. annihilation of pictorial depth and its placement by his own marks. Despite their hieratical nature, Monsiel's pictures seem to throb with an innate life; his figures and disembodied physiognomies are elusive, ways suggesting nascent metamorphosis.

In relation to being polish and during wartime.

Harald Stoffers

Use of writing in his works.
Often talks about his everyday-life, he works at Elbe-Werkstätten GmbH (an employment and rehabilitation centre in Hamburg, Germany for people with disabilities) and writes about it in most every piece of text (or letter as they are often refereed to).
Most letters are written to his mother but never make it to her, but into other peoples hands or left lying about.
His work looks almost organic.


Anthony Mannix

Using his unconscious, he references Aborigine art.
Anthony Mannix uses whatever comes to hand and creates alot of journals.

Judith Scott 1943-2005

Saw Judith Scott's work at the Museum of everything a couple of days ago.
Judith Scott is classed as outsider art as he was downs syndrome and deaf and had her own free flow way of creating works with wool, found objects and other yarns.

This short preview of a documentary on her on youtube is quite interesting.

Christof Mascher

Christof Mascher was born in 1979 in Hannover, and lives and works in Braunschweig, Germany. In the past two years he has had solo museum shows at Galerie der Stadt Remscheid, and at the Museum for Modern Art, Goslar.

Mascher's paintings are residues from a subconscious process that guides his work. Heavily influenced by David Lynch's account of steering one's own dreams - "I like to plunge into a dream-world which I myself have created or discovered, a world I have sought out for myself" - Mascher is motivated by capturing or constructing such fantastical narratives in his paintings. As a self-proclaimed child of the 80s, certain iconography and inspiration arises from various characters such as Skeletor, Jabba the Hutt, and the Super Mario Bros. Interested in how fantasy allows the surreal to emerge into life, such creations are integrated into Mascher's pictures on horizontal layers that sweep through his works. This stage-setting is crucial, forcing the viewer to navigate and weave through the paintings as one would do in vintage video games, platforms that were ultimately built in 2D.

Yet Mascher's work can also be seen in the tradition of Northern European landscape painting. While one notices an appreciation of naïve art or the Primitive, it is clear that Friedrich's expansive vistas, the composed fantasy of Paul Klee, the hybrids and creations of Bosch, the clash of man and nature seen in Nolde, and the masking and huddling of figures employed by James Ensor, are all continuously present. This fusion of contemporary iconography with references to the past, aligned to the variation of materials he uses, allows for an individual kind of research where Mascher can develop what he calls his "secret knowledge". It is here where he finds a connection with Maya Deren's 1943 classic, 'Meshes of the Afternoon', and the energy it seeks to express, specifically in how it is "concerned with the interior experiences of an individual, recording an event which cannot be witnessed by other people."\
Taken from Sacchi

Arnulf Rainer

beutiful use of layering and photograph/drawing work.
subtle colours too.

Arnulf Rainer, (born 8 December 1929 in Baden, Austria), is an Austrian painter and is internationally renowned for his abstract informal art.
In his early years, Rainer was influenced by Surrealism. In 1950, he founded the Hundsgruppe (dog group) together with Ernst Fuchs, Arik Brauer, and Josef Mikl. After 1954, Rainer's style evolved towards Destruction of Forms, with blackenings, overpaintings, and maskings of illustrations and photographs dominating his later work. He was close to the Vienna Actionism, featuring body art and painting under drug influence. He did a lot of work on Hiroshima, after the bombing.
Taken from Wikipedia


Friday, 23 October 2009

things I love/colour

things to love about london

Coco Rosie

(Bianca Casady herslf)

Bianca Casady, of Cocorosie fame and her hot artworks.

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

this is a realy helpfull website

For different London galleries, reviews of said galleries, and of current exhibitions.

small dogs

Pierre Bonnard. Nude in the Bathtub with Small Dog. 1941-46.

Hurrah and huzzah!

Re: BBC Collective, live promo in 2007 []
You replied on 21/10/2009 19:46.
Sent:20 October 2009 16:54
yes it was indeed that junk shop...
and what a splendid it is..

we also did a photo shoot in there....
let me know if you want a copy of the photo..


> Hello!
> This may seem like a bit of an odd question,
but im doing a project on
> "The junk Shop" in Greenwich, London and
noticed you did a live set in
> 2007 in A junk shop in London and wanted
to confirm if it was the junk
> shop I am researching (if that all makes sense!)
- the junk shop in question.
> Hope your having a rather good week.
> Thank you.
> Nadia Gabriel

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Paper X

Whoop whoop.
I did something AAAAAGGGGGEEEES ago for Paper X, and apparently im in it.
Have ordered a copy so shall post up here as soon as it arrives.

the junk shop greenwich

I have decided to do my PPD on the Greenwich gem that is "the junk shop"
Found this video of a terribly folky band playing live inside the shop (must confirm it is THE junk shop though!)

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Adventure time!

Im not referring to this wondrous cartoon.
But moving to London and what not.

So far we have caught swine flu.

And seen the Turner Prize entrys for this year, which to be fair was a bit of a throwing of £6 whole pounds down the drain.
We also went to the free art fair at the Barbican which is pretty sweet, shall endeavour to gain some free art on the Sunday.

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

ah and so we are here now

we have just moved to London
my love of trash TV has been encouraged by this program

I also am amazed by the amount of silly faced dogs that are in the world.