Tuesday, 27 January 2009


fooking love photobooth photos

Tuesday, 20 January 2009

things I have done today and yesterday


its not very clear, beause I didnt have the appropriate gear.
Spur of the moment thing.

it says something along the lines of

-you know if you pressed against this glass hard enough it would break.
it would fall into glasgow along with a bit of you.

its seems more interesting than reading this note.-



As most of the art school is gloomy as fook
quite a feww folk wander along here dilibrately just to have some sunlight
or brightness
or some vitiman D
especily if you go the way that you have to go through that horrible dark corridor.

It says
-Hey kids
sunshine (finally!)



after watching people goign in and out
and counting the numbers
and taking note of which way they went
most people went left

most people ignore almost all the signs at GSA
especily the ones telling them noit to do things
so this was a social experiment of sorts.
Which proved true.

Reserch photos

this is such a strange dead feeling bit of the mac.
one of the few places it feels like a museum rather than a school

The stairwells are odd.
You never realy feel alone.
or intimdated by them, even though they have all the markers of being able to be both.

some parts get left to go a bit wild

And you get unusuall veiws sometimes.
im not sure macintosh realy thought about that

Oh yes.
I found out what is in some of thouse locked cupboards.
Tiled sink rooms.
That have kettles.
And tea

Moody hallways on the top floor.
More impressive than the other floors.

One of the few places you get the sun.
Aslo it seems to have extream weather.

Uneven floorboards make my day

Its interesting the amount of wee cubby holes.
places to hide a bit.

rediculously grandeous doorways every so often

Some colour?! Actual colour

Wee shabby bits, they rrealy should not restore these, it adds a bit of charicter.

We do love our bits of paper and signs

Pirate tresure?

Veritcal stripes some more

Orit Raff

Beautiful subtle daydreams
and dreams
but they do take you to a differnt place.

Bears and Dreams

what could possibly go wrong?

Dream machines

Ooh a shed.
and a phycologists couch.


Lisa Roberts

Jeeun Kim.

Her work is so delicate and lovely
perhapse the opposite of my large and clumbsy work.
Maybe this is why I like it so.

Bored of the sky

As im finding out about daydreams.
As dayreams turn into art.
im looking up some daydream artists.

this guy I cant find his name on the website, but he calls himself
bored of the sky

new today

Stolen from Ben.

Chief Mouser to the Cabinet Office

oh I love the strange and sureal things in the universe
that people think are perfectly normal.

Saturday, 17 January 2009

this blog

look at it when you need to see something beautiful.

And incase you need to see something
beautiful today

ok ok

Been looking at last years first year blogs.
Even thats interesting,
just to see that they were looking at exactly the same stuff.
But one year ago.

Like ghost imprints.


Yes this is bringing out my stalker side.

- going to follow a first year student, why are they going there?, what are they actualy doing? (because i am a lost child, and often wonder where felow students are off scurrying)

- Spend the day in the recepion area. how many people go in and out of the doors? Gonna keep a count.

- gonna go up to folk and ask them what they are daydreaming about. I feel alot of daydreaming happens in the mac. I mean it is meant to be a place of creativity.
Is this true?
gonna document date/time/place/name/what they are actualy doing/meant to be doing/photo evidence.

- go on the mac tour. what does the outside world think the building is for?

- also find out from the reception hall which way folk go. Left or right. Up or down.
Maybe take things from there


he's part part clown-magician, part mad scientist and part puppeteer. Occasionally he evokes a housewife demonstrating small appliances on early television.

Oh god John Bock is a genius.

Martin Creed

Friday, 16 January 2009

Ha I forgot about this

A while ago now me and button man went to see

Yoshitomo Nara

at the baltic in Newcastle.
They created a rickity house inside the exhobition space.
Twas like stepping into a compleatly diferent playful universe.

Learning to love you more

This doesnt have anything to do with this site specific project.

If anything its the compleate opposite.
Open to anyone to contribute.
Not beloging to anyone.
The ability to be exhibited anywhere.

Basically, there are assgnments.
You compleate one/many.
Submit your findings.
All of the assignments seem to be personal.

I quite like this idea of doing something so intimate.
So it can be posted on the web,
and shown in galleries you will never see.

Learning to love you more

Yoko Ono at the Baltic

I want to hate it, but it acctualy looks allright.

14 December 2008 - 15 March 2009
Level 3 & 4 / BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art

Renevation at the GSA

illistrations of ideas

also this website looked quite good
on ze topic of enviomental art

Sarah Sze

Huge site specific art that fills the whole space.


childs play

seems quite playful
in an odd way

Bringing you a bit closer

gina pane
like watching a car crash,
it defently sucks you in.

Facebook generation

Even though the interenets a realy usefull place,
still notihing beats bumping into someone and arranging to meet them on a date at a place.
No mobile phone or computer needed.

Infact right now id prefer to be on a typewriter, but that be much more difficult and i am a lazy sod.
Kate O'Connor has the right idea.

Ive decided im in love with